Building Businesses
for Tomorrow

AxisWealth Group (AWG) is the parent company and joint venture partner for specialised businesses.

We are passionate, forward thinking people, who are committed to turning our vision into successful businesses for tomorrow.

Axis Lending is a Sydney based mortgage manager specialises in home loan mortgage solutions for a wide range of borrowers. Our product range encompasses loans to suit first home buyers, investors, SMSF, refinance, debt consolidation and for construction of dwellings for Owner Occupiers and Investors.

Oak Lending is a non-bank lender offering home loan solutions for first home buyers, investors and non-residents.

Shadow Office Solutions is an offshoring operation located in Manila, Philippines. Providing human resources to increase productivity and increase profitability for Australian businesses.

Axiswealth Group

AxisWealth Group Services is a servicing and employment entity for staff and recruitment amongst the AxisWealth group of companies.